
The Lion’s Gate Portal Email Reading (8 Cards)

The Lion’s Gate Portal began to open on July 26th and reaches its peak on August 8th and will close on August 12th.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a powerful activation that occurs each year when the Earth and the Sun align with Sirius.

This is a time of new beginnings, enhanced consciousness and Ascension.

Opportunities for transformation and miraculous manifestation are here for you now.

This is a wonderful time for spiritual growth, healing and opening up to spiritual wisdom and intuitive guidance.

What do you need to focus on at this time?

I look forward to connecting with you.

When purchasing please provide me with your complete date of birth in the format:
day / month / year

I aim to have this to you within 24 hours (48 hrs at most)

Please note I do not read on health, pregnancy or legal matters, nor do I give financial advice. Readings are for entertainment purposes only.