
Psychic Alchemist SamAnne

Psychic Alchemist SamAnne

Sam Anne: Your Multidimensional Psychic Guide

Experience the extraordinary with SamAnne, a Next Generation Psychic gifted in Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience. ✨ Channelling insight directly from the Galactic and Spiritual realms, revealing multiple timelines and parallel realities to empower your journey.

Using Direct channeling, Psychic Oracle, Egyptian tarot and her intuitive gifts, Sam offers FREE guidance Holistic and Wellbeing lifestyle, to help you live your best life. With a wealth of experience in the Holistic Industries, she serves International clientele, is a certified Reiki Light Master, Lifestyle Coach and Intuitive Consultant to VIP Business persons and High-End Creatives Los Angeles- London, specialising in Galactic DNA activation.

Elevate your consciousness and unveil your soul’s potential! ✨

Studying NeuroScience at Harvard, Certified with the (IPHM) International Practitioner's of Holistic Medicine and (BHMA) British Herbal Medicine Association, an Alchemist, with Diplomas in Advanced Botanical medicine and Neuroscience at Harvard.

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12 received reviews (100% positive, 12/12)

Beautiful reading thank u so much

Feel loved

Ainis about listing Twin Flame DNA Activation, DIVINE UNION 10 months ago.

Amazing lady and even more amazing reading. My heart will be forever grateful. A true profound moment for me.


Zara about listing MultiDimensional Psychic Reading 10 months ago.
Psychic Alchemist SamAnne