
Who are you in the Tarot? - Personal Mandala

I am a Reiki Master and Tarot Card Reader. I have been reading cards for family and friends for several years and am delighted now to be able to read for you. Please enclose your email address in your request for a reading.

This is not a typical reading of the tarot but more of an insight into who you really are within the Tarot?
It’s interesting to see your personality and traits shown in the Tarot cards. Your birth date and your full birth name were no accident, your soul chose your birth date to coincide with the development of your particular lifetime. Your given name links to your family, culture and heritage. Using your birth date and full name I can provide you with your individual mandala - Your personal cards uncovering your destiny.
Please provide your full name as on your birth certificate... please provide your birthdate as in 5th September 2010 format and also your email address.