
QUICK ANSWERS 5 questions dice reading sent the same day

This is a listing for 5 question divination dice throw reading in which I will throw the dice 5 times each question , to help answer your question or area of concern.
I work with Papa Gede to bless these dice to use to predict accurately about a specific question or generally what is around the person.

Once purchased, please indicate if you want a general reading or a specific focus area/person.
If general reading, I will ask the spirits to guide me to what they want you to know.
If about a specific person/situation, I will ask the spirits to help narrow down what information you need to know.

Example of a good question would be-
Does he /she have romantic feelings about me? (If yes, then it is possible to drill down more details)

VS a bad question would be
What feelings does he/she have for me? (In this case, it is difficult to understand what they are from dice throw) so please choose an alternative reading if you would like to know about a persons feelings thoughts intentions etc.

Readings will be sent the same day if ordered before 8:30pm (uk time) readings after this time will be sent the next morning